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About us

Our purpose

Nurturing children to thrive as free-thinking, compassionate human beings with the courage to create the future.

Our vision

An abundant centre of learning, creativity and community, connected to the earth, the spirit and the journey of life.

Our values

We value truth, beauty and goodness. We value diversity, kindness and wonder. We value creativity, love and community. We value the natural world, history and our fellow human beings.


Why choose a Titirangi Rudolf Steiner education?

We are independent

As an independent private Steiner/Waldorf school our teachers have full freedom to teach according to the needs of their students.


The School works in an amazing environment

Our 29 hectares of native bush hosts Ngahere/bush kindergarten as well as many learning experiences for older students including biodynamic gardening, bush craft and building outdoor structures.


Your child’s teacher really knows them well

From Class 1 – 8, students have a class teacher that moves along with them. The teacher knows each child deeply and is able to work to support and challenge them.

The rhythm of the day supports learning

The day starts with a main lesson, the intellectual part of the day, in which children engage with the deep and progressive curriculum.

After morning tea, the focus shifts to rhythmical activities like music, handwork, or practising maths.

After lunch, more physical or outdoor activities take place like eurythmy, games, gardening and PE.


The curriculum supports emotional and social development

Each year the theme of the curriculum recognises and supports not only the intellectual development of the child, but the emotional and social stage they are at.

Children are nurtured to be comfortable in themselves and as part of a community.

While interest in the benefits of mindfulness is growing, Steiner schools have been practising it for the past one hundred years.

The experiences are diverse

Children get to spend time in the bush, learning about plants or building a bridge. All classes are involved in gardening and cooking.

Throughout the curriculum there is a rich engagement with history and the cultures of the world.

Children experience a wide range of art, handwork and craft, gaining the skills and confidence to make things from scratch.

From Class 3, there are annual camps which create progressively more challenging formative experiences, building up to an overseas trip in Class 12.

We offer the Certificate of Steiner Education

We provide an alternative to NCEA for high school students – the Certificate of Steiner Education, a recognised university entrance qualification in New Zealand and around the world. This certificate allows our teenagers to be immersed in and assessed within the Steiner curriculum. It gives our graduates a point of difference in whatever field they choose. Steiner graduates are known to be articulate, creative thinkers.

Equality statement

Titirangi Rudolf Steiner School embraces and honours Aotearoa New Zealand’s bi-cultural heritage and considers all human beings to be free and equal in dignity and rights.

While acknowledging Rudolf Steiner’s work, Titirangi Rudolf Steiner School works out of an approach of equality and rejects strongly any inferences of racial prejudice. We are committed to being a cultural safe haven for all.

Titirangi Rudolf Steiner School upholds this position both as an individual school and as a member school of Steiner Education Aotearoa New Zealand whose curriculum guidelines state that:

The principles that are fundamental to Steiner/Waldorf education are that it is accessible to, and able to be adapted to, the needs of different ethnicities, cultures and religions. Curriculum content allows for the exploration of a wide variety of cultural traditions and world views. Steiner/Waldorf schools in Aotearoa New Zealand strive to imbue their curricula with the unique spirit and history of this land and its peoples.