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Working bee dates

Our school community takes on much of the maintenance of the school. A lot of this happens at our regular working bees.

These reduce the cost of the education for all, and, more importantly for many, working together is an energising and wonderful way of being in community. Sharing kai (food) together prepared by the kitchen team at the end of the work is a convivial and rewarding aspect of our working bees!

Traditionally working bees have been held on Saturday mornings, however this year, four of the working bee dates are on Sundays in consideration for those willing participants not able to make Saturdays.

Additionally, if you would like to participate in maintenance work outside of working bees, please contact There are always so many ways in which you will be able to participate in this valued aspect of school community life.


2024 Working Bee Dates

9am-1pm followed by a delicious home-cooked lunch.


Sunday 28 January (Sunday before Term 1 starts)


Saturday 9 March (Two weeks before the Autumn Festival)


Saturday 27 April (Saturday before Term 2 starts)


Sunday 9 June (One weekend before Early Childhood Lantern Festival and two weekends before School Mid-Winter Festival)


Saturday 27 July (Saturday before Term 3 starts)


Sunday 8 September (Two weeks before the Spring Festival & Open Day)


Saturday 12 October (Saturday before Term 4 starts)


Sunday 10 November (Weekend before the Advent Fair)


Saturday 14 December (Saturday after the last day of Term 4)